1)    Trainees joining Loyola College of Education must observe all the rules and regulations of this college enforced from time to time and submit to the normal         enforcement of the same to the regard will be abiding and final.

2)    All trainees are responsible to the Principal and teachers for their conduct in and outside the College and the Catholic students for the performance of their religious        duties as well.

3)    Use of Mobile Phones in the Academic building is strictly prohibited.

4)    In view of the intensive nature of the course, trainees are not permitted to commit themselves to any Group, Organization or Association outside the college which may        divert their attention

5)    A prior written application for leave is mandatory. Disciplinary actions will be taken against trainees who absent themselves from classes without their written leave        applications and their subsequent approval of the Principal/Vice Principal

6)    Trainees are expected to be present and to participate in all the events and programmes organized by the college during the B.Ed course. Absence in these        functions/programmes/events will invite disciplinary action against them.

7)    English will be spoken at all times in the college permises by the trainees

8)    Trainees should be punctual to classes. Those who become absent or late may be admitted to classes with the permission of the Principal/ Vice Principal.

9)    Good manners and politeness, both in speech and conduct, are expected from everyone in the college permises. Insubordination and unbecoming language or         conducts are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a trainee.

10)  Any damage to the college property must be made good by those responsible for it. The decison of the Principal regarding the amount will be final.

11)  Trainees involved in fights, alcohol & drug abuse, stealing and using any kind of malpractic during the tests/examinations will incur automatic expulsion.

12)  Chewing gum in class, intake of pan masala of any kind, smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco are not permitted inside the college campus.

13)  It is compulsory to be present both on the last day before and on the first day after all mojor holidays like Puja, Diwali and Winter Vacations. Absentees before and after         the day of a long vacation will have to pay fine of rupees five hunderd.

14)  The only holidays permitted are those indicated in the College Calendar.

15)  Ladies' Common Room is strictly for ladies.

16)  No trainee shall collect money as contribution for trip, educational visits, get-together, charity or any other activity without the prior permission of the Principal.

17)  Ragging of any sort is strictly prohibited in the college campus. If anyone found guilty of it, s/he will be expelled from the college.

18)  If, for any reason the continuance of a trainee in the college is, in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental of the best interest of the college, the Principal may ask suck a         trainee to discontinue his/her studies from the college..

19)  It is recommended that all trainees come to college in College Uniform from Monday to Friday and House Track Suit on Saturday.