• Loyola College of Education, Namchi, Sikkim (Affiliated to Sikkim University) is committed to help all of its students to reach their full potential and the best of their education. Following this viewpoint, the institution has developed an extensive Information-Technology environment for all the faculty, staff and students. Here exists a full-fledged, comprehensive and well guided Information and Technology Policy for all the Faculty, Staff and Students of the College.


    The IT usage applies to faculty, staff and students of the institution who access or uses the institution’s e-resources comprehensively without limitation under a regulated setup.
    This policy applies to all information-technology and other electronic resources (e-resources) of the institution, including without limitation:
    (1)All computers, systems, equipment, software, networks, and computer facilities owned, managed, or maintained by the Institution.
    (2)The creation, processing, communication, distribution, storage, and disposal of information under the Institution’s control.
    (3)Use of these resources by members of the institution is governed by this policy. .

    Policy Summary

    This policy mention herein applies to all the campus activities, and student activities. The policy considers the roles in process with working, maintaining, operating, and looking after institution e resources. IT-staffs are responsible for the administration and regulation of this policy.

    Introduction Information Technology is an important resource in today’s world. The institution and all its staff members are legally obligated to protect the sensitive data of the institution. The computer resources of Loyola College of Education, Namchi are available to authorized students, faculty, administrators, and staff for educational, research, and administrative purposes.

    Applicability The IT Policy applies to:

    • The entire College faculty.
    • All the non-teaching staff.
    • Students and all there using the IT resources, for accessing various types of related information

    Definitions The term IT-Resources includes Email, Accounts and Access, E Resources (remote or otherwise), College MIS data available on the intranet and internet, and physical resources such as servers, laptops, firewalls, antivirus, network switches, access points.

    E- Resources E-resources may be used only for the purposes authorized by the College. These purposes generally comprise work, study, research, service, or student residential activities consistent with the College’s mission and priorities.

    Usage Policy It is expected that all staff members will use the IT- resources for the purpose in which they are intended to, in a responsible, ethical, and lawful manner. While performing their duties, Loyola College of Education, Namchi staff members have access to a wide range of confidential information about students, staff and the Institution in general. Information is expected to be accessed only for the purpose of fulfilling job duties. Such information accessed would not be shared or used either internally or externally for any purpose other than its intended use.

    Security and Integrity:
    • Use antivirus and antispyware software to protect ‘personal’ devices from malware. The regular updating of the anti-virus policy and security updates should be done for the protection of computing resources.
    • The college IT resources should not be used for activities violating the basic functionality and mission of the college, except in a purely incidental manner.
    • The users must refrain from making any unauthorized access of information in order to promote secure access of Network and Computers.

    Violating of Policy
    Any violation of the basic objectives and areas mentioned under the IT Policy of the College shall be considered as a violation and as misconduct under College Rules.